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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Big 8

Gabrielle Elizabeth turned '8' years old this week.  
While everything is not always rosy and Pinterest perfect between us, I love that head strong, take charge, so much more responsible than I was at 8 years old child more than words can say. 

She never ceases to amaze me with her generosity. 
Case in point - Gabrielle received her very own bag of mint Oreos for her birthday and, in this house, that's like owning gold.  Without any prompting, hinting, asking, or being told, she shared those Oreos with her siblings.... only once they finished their eggs first of course (hence Holly's seriously grumpy face).

More than being the first born child, she is a natural born leader. 
Sure sometimes this leadership skill comes across as bossy but then there are times where she sees a need, a problem, a way to make things go smoother and seizes the moment.  The morning of her birthday proved no different.
After breakfast, I started rushing about getting everyone and everything ready to head out the door when I peeked into the living room to see this:   

I hadn't had a chance to change Holly's diaper or clothes for the day yet so Bree, without hesitation, picked out an outfit and started the process for me. 
That is one special 8 year old right there. 

Which is why that evening I treated her to dinner out at the local Chinese restaurant - her "favorite".  And by "favorite" I mean that she doesn't really like the Chinese part of the food.  To her its all about the shrimp, the sugar donuts, and...
... the fortune cookie.  Her fortune read:
Hard work pays off in the future, laziness pays off now.

My fortune read.....
Hmmm.... That's UN-fortunate for me - an empty fortune cookie. 
What did Gabrielle want so very, very badly for her birthday and that we were more than willing to give her?    
Happy Birthday, Gabrielle! 
May this be your best year yet!

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