This past summer I stumbled upon a blog post
I clicked on the link expecting it to be about abortions or something along those lines and was only planning on skimming the article.
However, I was delightfully mistaken.
It was nothing negative. Instead, it was inspiring and motivating!
You can make a difference and help others from the comfort of your own home via a party with friends?
How cool is that!?! Sign me up!
With the help of a like-minded friend, we took a cue from these ministry ladies and hosted our first Party with a Purpose by throwing a baby shower for the CPC.
There was food:
There were drinks:
We prayed and fellowshipped:
We listened to a guest speaker from the CPC tell us about their ministry work, what donations are always needed, and how we can physically be involved in changing people's lives through the CPC.
Then we spent the rest of the evening grouping diapers into bundles and attaching hand written Bible verses to offer encouragement and praise to the mother who receives them.
It was a great evening of friends, food, drinks, and learning about a wonderful service right here in my own community. If you weren't able to attend or if you're reading this from across the country, I hope this event inspires you to host your own Party with a Purpose. Pick a charity, a cause, an organization that is near and dear to your heart and invite your friends over with purpose to talk about it. Its a simple way to raise awareness and you'll have fun while doing it.