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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Catching Up

Sorry about the lack of blogging. A lot has been happening lately, keeping us quite busy thus not leaving much time for anything else. Give us/me another two weeks or so and it will be Fall and peaceful and I'll be back to blogging everyday. Now on to more important things....

Bree's vocabulary is growing by the day. Words she can use when she wants to are sit, up, elp (help), kitties, eat, Mom (not a cutsie Momma or Mommy, but just Mom and usually said with attitude), Papa, Daddy, een (green) and my personal favorite no-no-no-no-no-no-no. Mind you, the last word is usually said with her eyebrows raised up and pointing her finger at you.

We have been working with Bree on her colors and she's picking up on them very quickly. Green is the color she can get right everytime and, as state above, she can somewhat say it as well. Maybe this will end up being her favorite color.

Bree is also ready to start potty training. All I have to do is say the word 'potty' and she goes running for the bathroom. I was hoping this would all wait until January when I go part-time at work and I could focus on potty training her in a short amount of time (hopefully with less accidents). But if she's excited and willing to start trying it now I have to go with the flow.

Lastly, Bree has been all about giving smooches to anyone who will take them. She'll chase kids through the yard, follow cats under the table or kiss a water bottle if thats the only thing around. Sometimes she'll even walk around with her lips stuck out waiting for something to cross her path that needs a wet one planted on it. So I end this post with a good night (or good morning) kiss from Bree.


  1. MWUAHHH!!!

    Sounds familiar.
    This may have also described the last weeks of Tyler's life except the potty part...He hates it.
    Have a funtastic week

  2. Aww...I miss my little Miss Bree. She is getting so big!
