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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Big Slide!!

The Archbold Evangelical Church has an AWESOME play area that is perfect for rainy days.

Does this slide look steep and scary to anyone else or is it just me?

This is the sign in the play area that advertises different church events:

For the hour and a half that we were there, I read this sign over and over and over and over again. Who is Rusel? What book of the Bible is he in? Heck, was he in the old testament or new? Did I sleep through that Sunday school lesson?? Then it hit me. The sign was meant to say rules, not rusel. Darn kids can't leave their hands off anything these days. :O)

1 comment:

  1. Isn't that place awesome? That's where they had Caden's birthday party. I think we had just as much as the kids did!
