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Monday, June 22, 2009

Getting closer

Remember when I said "its only a matter of time before we make a trip to the ER"? We haven't made one yet but I can tell we are inching our way closer and closer. For example:

I was picking up the living room and vaccuuming when I noticed my darling daughter had not come to assist me. If you remember waaaaayyy back from this post, Bree loves the sweeper so its very unusual for her to not come running the moment the vaccuum clicked on. As I mentioned once before, if your kid is quiet they are usually up to no good. I was not prepared for this.

She climbs up onto the toilet seat. Then uses the tank to hoist herself onto the counter. From there she made herself comfortable in the sink and began to play with the faucet. Not only could she have slipped from being wet if she tried to climb out herself, but she could have gotten severly burnt the longer the hot water was on. I think I might have sprouted a gray hair.

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