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Monday, February 25, 2019


Holly asked for Build-A-Bear gift cards for Christmas.  She had serious stuffed animal envy after Bree came home with hers from a birthday shopping trip and carried the brochure around for weeks showing people what she wanted.  So every Christmas list passed out, every email, every response of 'What does Holly want for Christmas?' contained Build-A-Bear gift cards.  Finally the schedules worked out, the weather calmed down, the time was right to head to the mall and the Build-A-Bear Workshop!

Of all the animals, of all the TV show or movie characters, of all the choices and varieties to pick from, Holly wanted a kitty.

She was being incredibly shy and I could not get a genuine smile of out her during the whole process.

Had I been thinking, we could have discussed names on the hour ride there, but I didn't.  So we stood forever at the counter trying to come up with a suitable name that Holly would remember and that had some meaning.  Ironically enough, the dress she had picked out for this kitty had ice cream on it.  To say Holly is constantly asking for ice cream is an understatement.  And in her world, you cannot have ice cream if you don't have SPRINKLES!!

Sprinkles all packed up and ready to go home.

In light of savoring these preschool days and seizing the "last" moments with her, it was a no-brainer that stopping at McDonalds would seal the cap on the best Monday ever.  

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