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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Fun in the Sun

Today it hit a whopping 38 degrees so we hit the slopes of Homecoming Hill. But first you have to have breakfast in bed.

Bree is trying to feed Jim Trix.

Of course to go sledding you need to have a hearty breakfast. Bacon and eggs. Mmmm...

Leave no crumbs behind.

Its time to bundle up.

Now its time to go sledding!! Here are some videos of our fun in the sun.

Crazy ride down the hill!

Daddy is daring! Jim (and Bree) is the blob in the middle of the screen.

Mommy even made a few trips down the hill.

And last but not least whats a day in the snow without a snowball fight. I think this borders on child abuse. :o)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, so he's throwing snowballs at her and then, ever-so-delicately wipes it off her scarf! Gotta love my brother!
