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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Missed Opportunities - Beware:Long Post Ahead!!

I have absolutely not a clue of what kept me from posting all week long. I missed many opportunities to blog about things as they happen and now I have to play catch up.

1. Bree now has two molars. One of them has been working its way up for a while now but I was completely shocked to see the one on the other side. She really handles teething great. (Thank you Lord!!) She was a little more tired than normal but thats it. She has also been having a lot of diaper rashes lately and supposedly thats another sign of teething. Overall I just thought maybe she was coming down with a cold but I'm glad it turned out to just be teeth. Here is a picture of her "cookie monster" smile and you can somewhat see her new molars:

2. Bree has a Winnie the Pooh blanket that, when she's at home, doesn't leave her sight. She's so attached to it that it has earned her the nickname of Linus (from Peanuts).

This is just a picture of Bree trying to climb over her baby gate but in the bottom left hand corner you can see her beloved blanket.

Learning the all important life lessons of video gaming from Daddy and again the blanket is off to the left side.

And finally we had just gotten up for the day and Mom forgot to grab the blanket.

3. Bree, along with any child, has a fascination of buttons and knobs so our new stereo is the best "toy" ever. Here's Bree trying to look all innocent (and so grown up I might add) but we know better.

4. Bree and Grumpy Bear chillin' watching the snow melt.

5. Bree is playing Mary Poppins (even though she hasn't seen it yet). :O)

6. At what age do kids stop eating this and never touch it again?

7. Don't you just want to pick her up and squeeze her and kiss those cheeks?!?!

8. Bree has developed this obession with opening and closing doors. Maybe its normal. Or maybe not since she likes to shut herself in the doors.

9. Last but not least just as beautiful as the sunrise last week, the sunset this week was just as gorgeous.

1 comment:

  1. ms. rachel.

    first of all, love the blog...the pictures made me laugh.
    and second of all, i wanted to thank you and miss bre for the wonderful valentine that i got. i put it up on the wall immediately along with all the pictures that i have up. and then i didnt really have anywhere to put the magnet, you know with the lack of metal objects in our room. so i was just gonna set it in a drawer until i could find somewhere to put it. but..michael saw me put it in the drawer and then went on to spend fifteen minutes trying to stick it to everything that looked close to metal in our room..because well "we HAD to put it up". so now it is up right next to the bed, its such a great picture to wake up to every morning. :)
